

好康分享 - 捻花惹草

  • asasoa


    asasoa 2012-08-21 03:44

    I write to share some experienced that I thought may be of interest to members of this group.

    I visited Brussels last week. It turned out that Aug-15-19, 2012 happened to be the season for Flower Carpet in Brussels. Lucky me! Basically, every 2 years the Grand-Place in Brussels is covered with a flower carpet of begonias. The carpet of 77 m x 24 m is composed by about 120 volunteers, with nearly one million begonias and the process took about 4 hours. For year 2012, the Flower Carpet is dedicated to Africa. The motifs consist of drawings of people from Ethiopia, Congo, Nigeria, Cameroon and Botswana. If you're interested, the first flower carpet was installed at the Grand-Palace in 1971 and is re-created every two years. You may find more information about flower carpet via the following website


    It is amazing to see so many flowers being arrange neatly right in front of my eyes. Truly an enjoyable experienced. Naturally, I wanted take photos of this event. Unfortunately, this event is so popular with the locals and tourists that there are always many people surrounded the flower carpet. This really makes it hard to take good photos. I did what I can do.  If you’re interested in looking at some of my flower carpet’s photos, please visit



  • rumor
    rumor 2012-08-21 04:09
    謝謝分享喔! 太精彩了! 哪一年我一定也要去看看~
  • asasoa
    asasoa 2012-08-21 04:23
    rumor: 謝謝分享喔! 太精彩了! 哪一年我一定也要去看看~
    You're most welcome. Hope you make it to the next event in 2014.
  • rumor
    rumor 2012-08-21 04:29


    我上星期旅遊布魯塞爾,很巧的八月十五日至十九是他們每兩年會辦的鮮花地毯展覽,我真是太幸運了! 基本上,每兩年在布魯塞爾大廣場這段時間會鋪上成千上萬朵的秋海棠花,這個超大的海棠花地毯由 120個志工齊力把將近一萬朵秋海棠在四個小時內鋪成 77 m x 24 m 大的花毯。今年花地毯的主題是非洲,設計的方向及靈感來自非洲的奈及利亞、剛果、衣索匹亞等國的圖騰、圖畫等等。第一屆的鮮花地毯是在1972年,有興趣了解各屆鮮花地毯的朋友請參考: http://www.flowercarpet.be/the-begonias/

    看了現場我真的被深深驚驗著,一般來說,我會想要把眼前的驚豔拍下,可惜我只能在無數的參觀人群中勉強找位置拍,可能拍出的效果不盡人意,但我盡全力了! 有興趣的朋友,請看我這本相本:
  • rumor
    rumor 2012-08-21 04:32
    asasoa: You're most welcome. Hope you make it to the next event in 2014.
  • asasoa
    asasoa 2012-08-21 04:41
    rumor: 為方便大家閱讀,我幫asasoa大略翻譯一下:


    This is good. Thank you.
  • asasoa
    asasoa 2012-08-21 04:43
    rumor: 我會記在心裡!
    Sure, thanks.
  • rumor
    rumor 2012-08-21 05:32
    asasoa: This is good. Thank you.
  • 椰絲酒吧
    椰絲酒吧 2012-08-21 06:19
    It must smell good when you took those pictures.
  • asasoa
    asasoa 2012-08-21 08:56
    rumor: 不客氣
  • asasoa
    asasoa 2012-08-21 08:57
    椰絲酒吧: It must smell good when you took those pictures.
    YES, you're absolutely right.
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