



asasoa的主頁 | 打個招呼
  1. asasoa
    (03-17 11:45)
  2. asasoa
    asasoa: 不好意思,主人出門去了聖地牙哥3天,慢慢逛. 回復
    (03-14 13:09)
    1. 椰絲酒吧: 真好! (03-14 13:19) 回復
    2. asasoa: 哪裡哪裡,你太客氣了! (03-14 19:12) 回復
  3. asasoa
    (10-10 08:17)
  4. asasoa
    asasoa: 不好意思,主人出門去了明尼阿波利斯4天,慢慢逛. 回復
    (10-05 22:20)
    1. 月荷: 明尼阿波利斯在哪裡ㄚ@@ (10-05 23:15) 回復
    2. asasoa: 美國明尼蘇達州。在美國與加拿大邊境。 (10-05 23:21) 回復
    3. 月荷: 喔喔~總之~就是地球上某個地方旅行愉快唷~ (10-05 23:23) 回復
    4. asasoa: Not 旅行. It's a working trip. (10-05 23:26) 回復
    5. 月荷: 就...帶著旅行的心情去工作咩~還是粉愉快的啦~ (10-05 23:31) 回復
    6. asasoa: Good idea. Thank you. I shall do my best. (10-05 23:37) 回復
    7. 月荷: 旅行愉快 (10-05 23:41) 回復
    8. asasoa: Thank you very much. (10-06 00:24) 回復
  5. asasoa
    (08-23 06:42)
    1. 椰絲酒吧: Happy to see you. (08-23 07:28) 回復
    2. asasoa: Ditto & thanks. (08-23 14:59) 回復
  6. asasoa
    asasoa: 不好意思,主人去了台灣+歐洲,慢慢逛 回復
    (06-23 19:24)
    1. 流浪的雲: 這段期間我也剛好去了歐洲~ (07-02 09:27) 回復
    2. asasoa: Great, I'll be there in a few weeks. (07-02 10:59) 回復
    3. 流浪的雲: 可是我已經回來了~ (07-02 13:31) 回復
    4. asasoa: Too bad. I shall do the best that I can. (07-02 14:49) 回復
    5. 流浪的雲: 你不是也要回台灣嗎? (07-02 16:17) 回復
    6. asasoa: 是喔回台灣 (07-02 16:40) 回復
    7. 流浪的雲: 什麼時候要回台灣呢? (07-02 17:29) 回復
    8. asasoa: 6月24日 (07-02 17:36) 回復
    9. 流浪的雲: 那現在呢? (07-02 18:24) 回復
    10. asasoa: 現在在台灣 (07-03 04:47) 回復
    11. 流浪的雲: 難怪可以打中文,在台中嗎? (07-03 10:04) 回復
    12. asasoa: 在台中,no可以打中文 (07-03 11:53) 回復
    13. 流浪的雲: 用隨身的NB喔? (07-03 12:25) 回復
    14. asasoa: 是喔用NB (07-03 13:48) 回復
    15. 流浪的雲: 晚安!要在台灣待多久呢? (07-03 19:33) 回復
    16. asasoa: 要在台灣待1個月 (07-03 21:39) 回復
    17. 流浪的雲: 真好耶!沒到處去走走嗎? (07-03 21:45) 回復
    18. asasoa: 下週去蘭嶼 (07-04 06:04) 回復
    19. 流浪的雲: 蘭嶼是個漂亮的小島,我也還沒去過... (07-04 08:32) 回復
    20. asasoa: 應該去一次喔. (07-04 14:02) 回復
    21. 流浪的雲: 有機會是很想去~ (07-04 20:27) 回復
    22. asasoa: 是喔找機會去1去 (07-05 04:42) 回復
    23. 流浪的雲: (07-05 09:52) 回復
    24. asasoa: (07-05 11:49) 回復
    25. 椰絲酒吧: Currently, you are in Taiwan? (07-06 11:42) 回復
    26. asasoa: Yes, I am in Taiwan now. (07-06 12:06) 回復
    27. 椰絲酒吧: What is your plan this time? Buy some High Mountain Tea? What else? (07-06 12:50) 回復
    28. asasoa: Yes, buy some Ali Mountain tea. Visit 蘭嶼 etc. (07-06 13:54) 回復
    29. 椰絲酒吧: Right now, Taiwan is super hot. How are you? (07-06 13:56) 回復
    30. asasoa: It's been raining for the last few days. So as hot and I am good. (07-06 15:29) 回復
    31. 椰絲酒吧: Last year about this time, my mother and I were moving from Pingtung to Taipei and ready to depart back to Vancouver. Now there is possibility of a typhoon landed in Taiwan. Are you ready for it? [e (07-09 05:39) 回復
    32. asasoa: I can only pray that it won't affect my trip to Lanyu. (07-09 05:58) 回復
    33. 椰絲酒吧: Have you purchased your ticket to Lanyu? (07-09 06:52) 回復
  7. asasoa
    (04-09 08:32)
  8. asasoa
    asasoa: 不好意思,主人出門去了華盛頓3天,慢慢逛. 回復
    (04-05 12:24)
    1. 椰絲酒吧: Have a wonderful trip! Keep warm! (04-05 12:30) 回復
    2. asasoa: Thanks. (04-05 19:48) 回復
  9. asasoa
    (03-25 11:31)
    1. 椰絲酒吧: 客人送走了! 還愉快嗎? (03-25 11:34) 回復
    2. asasoa: This客人送走了.Now I will wait for her sister. (03-25 12:48) 回復
    3. 椰絲酒吧: Wow! You become his family friend. (03-25 12:49) 回復
    4. asasoa: Not I become rather I am for many years. (03-25 13:06) 回復
    5. 椰絲酒吧: Oh! You have been their family friend for many years. Wow! That's nice. (03-25 13:13) 回復
    6. asasoa: Agreed, great Korean friends. (03-25 19:13) 回復
    7. 椰絲酒吧: Pardon me to ask, what did they bring this time? (03-26 05:50) 回復
    8. asasoa: Some cups. (03-26 06:02) 回復
    9. 椰絲酒吧: Not business cards holder like last year? Are you going to post it out for use to enjoy? (03-26 06:04) 回復
    10. asasoa: Sure, I shall think about this. (03-26 06:38) 回復
    11. 椰絲酒吧: Oh, my mine. You shall! (03-26 08:53) 回復
    12. asasoa: You shall I shall, let us shall shall shall (03-26 09:15) 回復
    13. 椰絲酒吧: Well, glad to see your humorous side. (03-26 10:40) 回復
    14. asasoa: Sure, I am glad that you're glad. (03-26 13:09) 回復
    15. 椰絲酒吧: How good is your Chinese, may I know? I need help on a word's pronunciation. (03-26 13:20) 回復
    16. asasoa: Your chinese are better than me for sure. (03-26 21:25) 回復
  10. asasoa
    asasoa: 不好意思,有韓國訪客來找我4天,慢慢逛 回復
    (03-22 00:13)
    1. 檸檬不酸: 要好好招待,不容有失 (03-22 22:18) 回復
    2. asasoa: 是喔好好招待,不容有失. (03-23 12:44) 回復
    3. 檸檬不酸: 讚喔 ^^ (03-23 20:49) 回復
    4. asasoa: 是喔讚喔 (03-24 04:50) 回復
  11. asasoa
    (03-18 07:42)
    1. 椰絲酒吧: 金窩,銀窩,沒有家裡的狗窩好! Welcome home! (03-18 14:38) 回復
    2. asasoa: 金窩,銀窩,狗窩,窩窩窩.Thanks. (03-18 21:17) 回復
    3. 椰絲酒吧: Forgot to press "reply" again? (03-18 23:55) 回復
    4. asasoa: No idea. (03-19 00:00) 回復
  12. asasoa
    asasoa: 不好意思,主人出門去了紐奧良4天,慢慢逛. 回復
    (03-13 22:04)
    1. 椰絲酒吧: Have a nice trip. Take some braless women pictures. (03-13 23:18) 回復
    2. asasoa: THanks. I will do so if I see them. (03-14 21:41) 回復
  13. asasoa
    (01-08 05:43)
    1. 椰絲酒吧: Home sweet home! (01-08 07:42) 回復
    2. asasoa: 是喔 是喔 (01-08 08:41) 回復
  14. asasoa
    asasoa: 不好意思,主人去了歐洲,慢慢逛 回復
    (12-08 13:34)
    1. 椰絲酒吧: (12-08 13:56) 回復
    2. asasoa: (12-10 01:58) 回復
    3. 椰絲酒吧: Are you safely arrived? Or in the transit? (12-10 10:18) 回復
    4. asasoa: Greetings from Rome. (12-11 05:50) 回復
    5. 椰絲酒吧: Wow! Touring starts. (12-11 06:51) 回復
    6. asasoa: Sure & greetings from Olympia, Greece. (12-14 20:52) 回復
    7. 椰絲酒吧: 16 Europe countries in 28 days? (12-14 23:27) 回復
    8. 椰絲酒吧: Where did you spend Dec. 21, 2012? (12-22 11:00) 回復
    9. asasoa: Not exactly 16, just a few. (01-04 04:53) 回復
    10. asasoa: Probably Turkey. (01-04 04:55) 回復
    11. 椰絲酒吧: asasoa 大哥,祝你201314快樂 (01-04 12:10) 回復
    12. asasoa: Thank you and ditto. (01-05 04:57) 回復
    13. 椰絲酒吧: Happy to see you. Are you home yet? (01-05 05:23) 回復
    14. asasoa: Greetings from Rome. (01-06 03:46) 回復
    15. 椰絲酒吧: Rome, eh? Nice place to visit. Is it rain, shine or snow there? (01-06 07:28) 回復
    16. asasoa: Shine it is (01-07 12:19) 回復
    17. 椰絲酒吧: Wow! That is nice for travelers. (01-07 13:32) 回復
    18. asasoa: Agreed. (01-08 00:25) 回復
    19. 椰絲酒吧: Happy to see you online. When will you be home? (01-08 00:26) 回復
    20. asasoa: I am in USA now. (01-08 00:27) 回復
    21. 椰絲酒吧: Nice! Time for jet lag. (01-08 00:28) 回復
    22. asasoa: Agreed, really sleepy now. (01-08 05:39) 回復
    23. 椰絲酒吧: Eat well, take it esay. (01-08 07:24) 回復
    24. asasoa: I surely will do so. (01-08 08:38) 回復
  15. asasoa
    (08-20 17:21)
    1. 檸檬不酸: (08-28 08:50) 回復
    2. asasoa: Greetings from USA (08-28 12:01) 回復
    3. 檸檬不酸: 又去那裡玩啦 快回家上班啦.............. (11-27 21:49) 回復
    4. asasoa: I plan to spend the christmas in Europe. (12-02 13:16) 回復
    5. 檸檬不酸: 真開心 ^^ (12-02 13:46) 回復
    6. asasoa: 開心is good. (12-02 14:05) 回復
    7. 檸檬不酸: 怎還沒睡 (12-02 14:16) 回復
    8. asasoa: It is still early. I will goto bed later. (12-03 10:44) 回復
    9. 檸檬不酸: 起床上班啦....... ^^ (12-03 20:03) 回復
    10. asasoa: Actually, about time to goto bed. (12-05 13:14) 回復
    11. 檸檬不酸: (12-05 20:11) 回復
    12. asasoa: (12-06 14:07) 回復
  16. asasoa
    asasoa: 不好意思,主人去了台灣+歐洲,慢慢逛 回復
    (07-06 19:20)
    1. rumor: (07-06 19:28) 回復
    2. asasoa: Greetings from Taiwan. (07-06 19:30) 回復
    3. rumor: nice!!!!! bet u're having LOTS fun.. (07-06 19:32) 回復
    4. asasoa: YES YES & YES. Spa and lot of good food too. (07-06 19:35) 回復
    5. rumor: jealousy!! envy!! (07-06 19:39) 回復
    6. asasoa: OK, I'll make sure that I cover your share too. (07-06 19:46) 回復
    7. rumor: ppppppppppppppppppppplease do..3q (07-06 21:21) 回復
    8. asasoa: Someone have to do this, might as well be me. hahaha. (07-06 22:28) 回復
    9. rumor: (07-06 23:58) 回復
    10. asasoa: (07-07 11:06) 回復
    11. 椰絲酒吧: Hey, we are much closer. I am still in Taiwan. (07-06 19:46) 回復
    12. asasoa: Hello & Greetings. You're right. (07-06 19:48) 回復
    13. 椰絲酒吧: Today I arrived in Taoyuan. (07-08 00:41) 回復
    14. asasoa: Have fun and enjoy your stay there. (07-08 05:17) 回復
  17. asasoa
    (04-22 05:57)
  18. asasoa
    asasoa: 不好意思,主人出門去了華盛頓4天,慢慢逛. 回復
    (04-18 20:52)
    1. 椰絲酒吧: Washington State or Washington DC 一字之差。天南地北。 旅遊愉快! (04-19 03:13) 回復
    2. asasoa: DC (04-19 09:14) 回復
    3. 椰絲酒吧: Or Washington Monument 華盛頓紀念碑 Will you take some sakura pictures while you were there? (04-19 10:12) 回復
    4. asasoa: I been here a few times & probably don't have time to take photo duirng this trip. (04-19 10:50) 回復
    5. 椰絲酒吧: Same time zone as before or add one more hour? (04-19 11:11) 回復
    6. asasoa: Yes, eastern time zone. (04-20 07:57) 回復
    7. 羽妍: 是喔~ (04-19 09:01) 回復
    8. asasoa: 是喔 是喔 (04-19 09:15) 回復
  19. asasoa
    asasoa: 是喔不能輸入中文字,是喔只可以複製並粘貼中文.沒法度,請見諒喔! 回復
    (03-25 21:41)
    1. 月荷: 是啊!!!我們都習慣了,沒有關係的啦~ (03-25 22:48) 回復
    2. asasoa: Thank you for your kindest considerations. (03-25 22:51) 回復
    3. 月荷: 關於您這段"豆芽菜文"網路翻譯軟體是這樣寫的=>【謝謝您遇到最仁慈的事項】 (03-26 07:35) 回復
    4. asasoa: This is the problem I have to deal with (03-26 08:05) 回復
    5. 月荷: 是我自己英文沒學好 (03-26 10:06) 回復
    6. asasoa: You're OK. I wish I can type chinese. (03-26 10:59) 回復
    7. 月荷: 你也是很棒的啦! (03-26 16:44) 回復
    8. asasoa: Thank you. (03-26 22:31) 回復
    9. 月荷: 甭客氣! (03-26 22:34) 回復
    10. asasoa: 是喔no客氣. (03-26 23:04) 回復
    11. miss6666m: COPY中文字也特好的 (04-15 06:06) 回復
    12. asasoa: 是喔have a lot of practice. (04-15 06:36) 回復
    13. miss6666m: ok (04-15 06:38) 回復
    14. asasoa: Thank you. (04-15 06:41) 回復
    15. miss6666m: 特welcome (04-15 06:42) 回復
    16. asasoa: (04-15 08:30) 回復
  20. asasoa
    asasoa: 不好意思,主人休息5天,慢慢逛. 回復
    (03-20 13:36)
    1. 椰絲酒吧: 休假五天? 申請了嗎? (03-20 14:39) 回復
    2. asasoa: I forgot that I need to 申請. (03-21 11:04) 回復
    3. 椰絲酒吧: 我還沒收到你的"休假"申請表格 (03-21 11:46) 回復
    4. asasoa: 是喔 是喔 (03-21 12:06) 回復
    5. 椰絲酒吧: Your famous slogan. (03-21 13:26) 回復
    6. asasoa: No sure it is famous. Just like to say 是喔. (03-21 22:32) 回復
    7. 椰絲酒吧: I found that 是喔 is more frequently used in Taiwan's young people these 10 years. We don't say 是喔 before. (in my childhood). (03-22 04:46) 回復
    8. asasoa: ure, I always said 是喔 is 18 years young. (03-22 09:12) 回復
    9. 椰絲酒吧: Neh~ What else is new? I knew your age long time ago. I am a little honest than you. I am 29. (03-22 10:28) 回復
    10. asasoa: 29 是喔 是喔 (03-22 11:10) 回復
    11. 椰絲酒吧: Don't you believe me? (03-22 11:11) 回復
    12. asasoa: You said 29 and 29 it is. (03-22 11:13) 回復
    13. 椰絲酒吧: Ah, life is beautiful~ No questions asked! (03-22 11:16) 回復
    14. asasoa: That's the spirit. (03-22 11:17) 回復
    15. 椰絲酒吧: No questions asked; no connection! (03-22 11:19) 回復
    16. asasoa: 無聲勝有聲. (03-22 11:22) 回復
    17. 椰絲酒吧: Wow! This is hard. That means I have to keep my antenna 天線 up all the time. (03-22 11:50) 回復
    18. asasoa: It is easy, I only need to copy a previous statement. (03-22 20:26) 回復
    19. 椰絲酒吧: I am lost here. What are you talking about? (03-23 03:29) 回復
    20. asasoa: I only need to copy "無聲勝有聲". (03-23 08:21) 回復
    21. 椰絲酒吧: Thanks, clear as mud. (03-23 08:23) 回復
    22. asasoa: You're most welcome. (03-23 08:24) 回復
    23. 檸檬不酸: 又偷懶喔................是喔是喔............ (03-24 23:51) 回復
    24. asasoa: 保持這個秘密喔 (03-25 06:18) 回復
    25. 檸檬不酸: 很厲害喔 竟然 copy 不才中文呢 (03-27 00:41) 回復
    26. asasoa: 是喔 是喔 (03-27 07:45) 回復
    27. 檸檬不酸: 你回家囉 (03-27 21:29) 回復
    28. asasoa: 是喔回家囉 (03-27 22:09) 回復
    29. 檸檬不酸: 今天那麼早起床喔 ^^ 早安喔 ...還是睡不好 (03-27 22:22) 回復
    30. asasoa: I adjusted my sleeping habit. (03-27 22:36) 回復
    31. 檸檬不酸: 不錯喔 ^^ 懂得早睡早起囉 ^^ (03-27 22:47) 回復
    32. asasoa: 是喔早睡早起身體好. (03-27 22:53) 回復
    33. 檸檬不酸: 休了5 天 ,有去那裡玩嗎 ^^ (03-27 22:54) 回復
    34. asasoa: I went to New York and visit some friends. (03-27 23:04) 回復
    35. 檸檬不酸: 不像你喔 5 天怎沒去別的地方走走 ^^ (03-27 23:18) 回復
    36. asasoa: Actually, I do this quite often. The difference for this time is I post it on Yes98. (03-27 23:33) 回復