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Danube River@Budapest. I took this photo during a week long trip to Hungary. Perhaps you like the view too.


上傳於 2010-02-09 09:26 (92.9 KB)

  • asasoa
    asasoa 2012-01-31 11:27
    isabella: 是喔

    你也有走到很高ㄉ地方 拍 Danube Riverㄟ
    這你有遠拍 近拍ㄋ
    I took this photo on top of a hill. In fact, I think the highest point of Budapest.
  • asasoa
    asasoa 2012-01-31 23:19
    isabella: 那座山  是Budapestㄉ最高點喔
    那座山 叫蝦米名字阿  

    這角度 看下去  多瑙河看ㄉ好清楚唷
    I forgot the name. But it is very easy to tell once you're there.
  • asasoa
    asasoa 2012-02-01 01:13
    isabella: 坐落在多瑙河之濱的布達佩斯國會大廈,是一座宏偉壯觀的新哥特式建築,是布達佩斯的象徵。國會大廈長268米,最寬處118米,平均高42米,中心圓形拱頂的尖端高96米,周圍有兩個
    Thank you for the information.